25th January 2014

As always January and February are an important time for The Hibs Club as members pay their membership fees for the year ahead.

2014 follows the same pattern as previous years:

  • Members should pay re-affiliation fees to their own branch NOT to The Club registrar or committee members
  • Membership cards should be retained – you’ll use the same one as last year
  • When you renew your membership you’ll get a £10 voucher – add it your card and you’ll have £11 to spend at the bar

Check the noticeboard in The Club for more information on re-affiliations for your branch.

Contact information for Hibs Club branches

If your card is lost

Ask for a replacement card form and hand it to your branch secretary who will pass it on to the club registrar.

Any outstanding points or money on your card will be transferred to your new card.

It costs £5 to replace a lost card – please ensure this is handed over with the replacement card form.

If your card is broken

Ask for a replacement card form and hand it to your branch secretary who will pass it on to the club registrar.

Any outstanding points or money on your card will be transferred to your new card.

It’s free to replace broken cards – but please ensure your old card is handed in with the replacement card form.

If you want to join The Hibs Club

Our branches are delighted to welcome new members, young and old.

Our quick guide to joining The Hibs Club

If you’re a branch committee member

Re-affiliations should be confirmed with the registrar by the end of February.

Please ensure membership lists are updated and the registrar is informed of any changes.

New members are welcome throughout January and February but please keep new memberships and re-affiliations seperate to enable the registrar to do his job as efficiently as possible.

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