The fivers have been paid.
And the draw has been made.
If you signed up for our 2018 World Cup sweepstake and missed our no expense spared live draw on the eve of the tournament, here’s your country for the next month (or less than a month for most of us!)
And remember, folks, we’re open for kick off as Russia face Saudi Arabia in the curtain opener at 4pm on Thursday, 14 June.
Country | Name |
Argentina | Billy Milne |
Costa Rica | Andy McGlynn |
Senegal | Bill Hall |
Panama | Stevie Robertson |
Croatia | Dode Weir |
Nigeria | Beth Hall |
Australia | Ruth Clark |
Portugal | Billy Douglas |
Poland | Grahame Curran |
Colombia | Breda Henderson |
Spain | Crawford Corrigan |
France | James Murray |
Brazil | Woolie |
Switzerland | Willie Wilson |
South Korea | Kevin Ramsay |
Mexico | Sean Rutherford |
Peru | Fraser McAllum |
Iceland | Mike Rutherford |
Saudi Arabia | Andy Hall |
Morocco | Harry Millar |
Sweden | Dougie Reid |
Belgium | Robin Reid |
Germany | Joseph Thom |
Tunisia | Garry Fennell |
Russia | Colin Rich |
Serbia | Peter Bain |
Egypt | Andy Grierson |
Denmark | Judith Chisholm |
Uruguay | Ryan Ramsay |
Japan | Coco M |
Iran | Tom Hall |
England | Graham Dickson |
(The web editor accepts no responsibility for the teams chosen!)