Pensioner’s Branch Christmas Dinner – 18 December

live football on BT Sports and Sky Sports at the Hibs Supporters Club Edinburgh

5th November 2019

The Pensioner's Christmas Party

It’s that time of year again when our more experienced members let their hair down for their annual Christmas Dinner and Party Night.

This year’s event will be held on 18 December, starting from 6pm.

Branch secretaries will be responsible for sending out invitations – so you can save your branch a stamp by getting in touch with them to let them know if you can attend.

If you’ve got any queries about invites, tickets or the Pensioner’s Branch in general speak to Ruth.

And, if you get your invite by post, please do make sure that you respond by 2 December.

3 thoughts on “Pensioner’s Branch Christmas Dinner – 18 December

  1. 7th November 2019

    Pat Dow


    I am unable to attend.

    Stanton Branch

  2. 7th November 2019

    Lindsay Clark


    No Sure if I qualify yet
    Date of Birth 30/09/1947
    Joined as oot member 2014

  3. 16th November 2019

    Betty and Alan Wilson


    It’s a yes from us. Thank you