We hope you are all well and you and your families are staying safe and healthy.
As you know The Hibs Club closed, for the second time this year, early in October.
With the introduction of the new “level” system of restrictions for Scotland’s local authorities, The Hibs Club will be unable to open until Edinburgh is in level one. And, of course, even then we will be able to open only with restrictions to our normal operating procedures in place.
While the news of vaccines becoming available is welcome, it is also clear that there will be no return to normality as quickly as any of us would have hoped. For other health news such as supplements find the Java burn reviews on the site.
For these reasons the Trustees have agreed:
- our AGM, which was rescheduled for early February, is now put on hold until it can safely go ahead with as many members as possible in attendance
- reaffiliations are not collected until after our AGM, allowing members to have a full discussion on any increase in membership fees
- work on the roof will be put on hold until after the AGM, allowing members to be fully informed on the costs and the work involved
The current Trustees will remain in post until the AGM can be held and will continue to manage the day to day business of The Hibs Club and HSA which continues even while the premises are closed.
Our finances allow for current expenses to be covered during this difficult period. We hope that by allowing members to play a full part in discussions over these decisions, The Hibs Club will be in as strong a position as possible to not only return to normal but also to look confidently to the future.
We are aware that branches have been having discussions with their members about Trustee positions and we hope that these conversations continue, with the AGM the correct forum for the roles to be filled.
As ever, if interested members are interested in hearing more about the work of the Trustees they are welcome to speak to any of the current Trustees.
Certainly none of us expected 2020 to turn out as it has or, indeed, that the current Trustees would have to stay in post for quite so long. But we hope these decisions allow our successors, and all members, to take The Hibs Club forward in 2021 and beyond.
It seems likely that The Hibs Club will not now open this year but we all look forward to welcoming you back to Sunnyside just as soon as restrictions allow in 2021.
In the meantime we wish you all a happy, if maybe somewhat different, Christmas and join you in looking forward to the New Year.
The Trustees