Membership renewals are now due

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8th March 2021

The Hibs Club

Members are advised that memberships renewals for 2021 are now due.

The Trustees have asked that branches pay their renewals by the end of April.

While the requirement to pay fees by the end of April is a change to the previously announced position, the Trustees have made this decision to ensure HSA remains financially sound ahead of our long awaited reopening.

The decision to ask for membership fees now has been taken after much consideration. The Trustees are aware that this has not been an easy year for many of us. While the HSA remains financially secure, financial outgoings continue while we remain closed and work to repair the roof remains outstanding.

Renewing your membership now is the best way you can support The Hibs Club before we can meet again at Sunnyside.

This will also allow the new Trustees, to be elected when an AGM can finally be held, to concentrate more clearly on the future.

Members are reminded that fees must be paid to their branches. Members should contact their branch secretary for more information on how to pay.

Association fees remain the same as last year, the total cost will be dependent on individual branch fees.

The Trustees would like to thank branches for their support, and acknowledge the additional work that will be involved in collecting membership fees while branches are unable to meet as they normally would.

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